DCYC Race Course Planner


Click on Boats to add boats, adjust PHRF ratings, etc.

Click on Courses to add a new race course.

A course has a name like RG - 1 - 3 - RG, and a distance computed from known marks.

For example, if you want to plan a race for RG-3S-4S-6-1-2-RG, click on Courses and if it's in the list, there will be a link to create a new race. If it's not in the list, you can create a new course.

Course editing functionality is limited for these initial releases. Basically, you can change the name of the course to adjust starboard marks.

Click on Races to view existing races, or adjust its start time.

Races are created by selecting a course. The course distance will be used to calculate PHRF based start time offsets. Once you've saved a race, click on "Show" to see all the offsets for the boats. If a boat needs to be added to a race, see Boats, above. If you want to reuse an existing race, Edit it to adjust the start time. The race editor uses a 24 hr clock for start times. 2pm is represented as 14.